Sunday 20 January 2013

Quick random thoughts...

So if you live in the UK, you'll be fully aware that the country has been encased in snow for the last few days. Where I am at the moment seems to be the last place to get it all though, as today I woke up to what has been the first proper snowfall we've had this year. Because I live so far east, it's taken a while for us to catch up with the rest of the country!

There's something quite funny about the UK - we reach 1cm of snow and everything comes to a complete standstill. Schools shut, roads become chaotic and panic buying of food and petrol begins. It's incredibly unnecessary, and the British public knows it's unnecessary, and yet it occurs every year. Then in other parts of the world, Canada for example, they receive in excess of 3 feet of snow, but life still carries on as usual! Quick shovel of the driveway and you're good to go! (My uncle lives in Canada, so yes, this really does happen).

My busy day of 9-5 lectures on Monday have (already!) been cancelled, so I'll more than likely be spending the day at home, catching up on work and assignments (or, let's face it, snuggled up in bed with a hot chocolate watching films...). 

Have any of you had snow in your area recently? 

Now, on to the next thing I wanted to talk about: 

I received this in the post on Friday and have been obsessed ever since! For those of you who don't know, 'Listography' is a website, specifically intended for creating and sharing lists of any kind. Users can sign up, share their lists (for example, favourite books) and read others. The idea became so popular that the creator of decided to release a series of books, with the very same purpose. Each page is headed with a different list title (for example, 'list your guilty pleasures'). You fill it out, and once completed, you have your very own miniature autobiography! I fell in love with the idea, because it's something permanent, and something to look back on in future years and reminisce. Maybe even show to your future spouse and children. If you're a huge fan of lists like I am then you should definitely grab yourself a copy! 

There are many books out, like ones specifically targeted at music, films or love, but I decided on the original. I got it from Amazon for just £8.68 (including P+P!)

That's all for now everyone, just wanted to share a couple of things I've been thinking/talking about recently. My next post is going to be beauty/fashion related so keep an eye out!

In the meantime please check out my:

YouTube channel (fashion&beauty):
And Pinterest:

See you next time!


1 comment:

  1. Hahaha, I remember in October when we were thought to be getting some snow and everyone just went crazy buying snow shovels and resources. It didn't even snow in the end. It isn't as bad as when it rains though, because all the trains end up being cancelled or delayed and all the motorways end up closing. British weather = a bundle of fun.
