Saturday, 9 February 2013

25 Facts About Me

Wasn't sure what to blog about today, but I just felt the urge to write so I thought this would be simple enough! Plus it's nice to take a little break from all the fashion and beauty orientated posts I've been doing and reveal a little bit more about myself as a person instead! So here goes the 25 facts about me...

  1. I am currently doing a degree Forensic Investigation - and yes, it is as exciting as it sounds! I love my course, and I one day hope to have a career in the field. 

  2. I'm a smoker. I know, I know, it's terrible. And you could say, rather hypocritical, coming from someone who talks about beauty and looking good and keeping healthy etc. But at the end of the day, it's a flaw, and we've all got one one way or another. I don't think it's 'cool', nor do I encourage it in any way, shape or form. It's just a part of me that I hope to be accepted. And for those of you who are wondering - YES, I will eventually quit!

  3. I'm a sucker for reality TV shows. Some people's guilty TV pleasures are things like Waterloo Road, 90210 and Vampire Diaries, but for me, reality TV comes above all others. Jersey Shore, America's Next Top Model, Bad Girls Club, Real Housewives etc. - I love them all.

  4. I have a legitimate shopping obsession, that has gotten progressively worse over the past few years. I used to be able to go on a shopping spree, buy numerous items, and that would satisfy me for a good few weeks, maybe even months after, until the urge to buy more clothes struck again. But it seems as I've gotten older, this 'satisfaction period' has become shorter and shorter. Now I find myself wanting more straight away - maybe even the same day as a big spending spree! It is rather worrying to say the least...

  5. I love cheese. Cheese goes with everything, and I pretty much do put it with everything. Pasta, potatoes, sandwiches, salads - even soup and vegetables. I just couldn't live without the yellow stuff.

  6. I am a huge procrastinator. If I know I've got a long time to accomplish something, such as finishing an assignment, going food shopping or doing my laundry, I guarantee I will leave it until the VERY last minute, and only do it when I absolutely have to.

  7. I've never had a nosebleed. This might not seem unusual to some people, but every single person I've ever encountered has experienced a nosebleed at some point in their life - and I haven't. So to me, it seems like a pretty unique thing. But don't get me wrong, I'm pleased about this!

  8. I'm addicted to caffeine, but tea in particular. I cannot function in the morning until I've consumed a nice sugary tea, and I have been known to get headaches if I don't have my morning tea!

  9. I love to cook. Being a student is usually characterised by eating junk food and microwave meals every night. But with me, that couldn't be further from the truth - I cook 99% of my meals from scratch (even spaghetti bolognese!). I love buying fresh ingredients and cookbooks, and experimenting with different thing every time I cook.

  10. I am an only child, and growing up, I'd always be asked the same question - "Don't you get really lonely?". And the answer would always be, no, of course not. How can I be lonely when I've never experienced anything different to compare it to? I don't think people understand that not having siblings really isn't that bad.

  11. I'm a Facebook stalker. If I'm bored, and I've got you as a friend on Facebook, chances are I will, or have at some point, go through your photos just for my own entertainment. It's not even that I'm looking for something, I'm just interested in seeing what the people I went to school with do for fun. LOL I sound like a complete weirdo now, but let's face it, I'm just revealing what 99% of the Facebook population do too. 

  12. I like pretty much all music. I'm not one of those people that like certain genres and hate others, I literally base my likes and dislikes on each individual song alone. If I like a song, I don't care about what genre it is, and chances are, I've got every genre somewhere on my iPod. 

  13. I love to sleep. Absolutely love it. If I could sleep in til 12pm every single day, then I would! I remember being a kid and being told to go to be bed and being like "noooo", whereas now I will happily volunteer to go to bed early! Having said this, no matter how much sleep I might get in a night, I will always wake up the next morning feeling groggy and tired.

  14. I have many forms of my 'drunk self'. It all depends on my general mood on the day. I can either be ridiculously happy, aggressive, emotional, overly sexual or just sloppy. I can only imagine the preparation my friends have to put themselves through in order to handle me on a night out - you just never know which girl you're gonna get. 

  15. I am rubbish at doing winged eyeliner. Somebody teach me!

  16. I am always willing to listen to my friends' problems. Even if I'm going through a hard time myself, I don't ever want people to feel like they can't come to me. My friends are everything to me, and I would never want any of them to suffer in silence.

  17. I am extremely fussy about my hair and make-up, which is why I always take a ridiculously long time to get ready. My parting has to be perfect, my straightening or curling has to be perfect, every single eyelash has to be in place, and my eyebrows must be 100% identical to each other. People might tell me I look fine, but I won't believe it until I'm satisfied myself. 

  18. I have a tattoo on my right foot. It says "Let It Be", and I got it done in May 2012. I feel like I'm always having to explain the reasoning behind it to people, because they will automatically think that it's because of the song by the Beatles - which isn't true. All my life, I've dwelled on the small things, and I've always found it difficult to let things go that are out of my control. So last year, I decided it would be a perfect thing to get permanently on my body. So now, every time I look at it, it reminds me to not stress so much, and to let the little things go, especially if they are out of my control - Let It Be :)

  19. I never drink water. I just hate it. I'll take squash to my lectures and stuff, but if I'm just spending the day at home, I'll live off tea and other hot drinks. I know it's probably terrible for my health, but I feel like my body is used to it by now.

  20. I love getting dressed up. For me, it's the best part of a night out!

  21. I have an obsession with quiz shows! Pointless is my absolute favourite, I even applied to be on it! I also love The Chase, Mastermind, Eggheads, University Challenge, 1001 Things You Should Know and Tipping Point. I could watch them all day if I could!

  22. My favourite YouTubers are Zoella/MoreZoella, JennaMarbles, beautycrush, WahlieTV, SprinkleOfGlitter, PointlessBlog/PointlessBlogTV, latoyaforever and Dollybowbow! 

  23. My favourite films are The Shawshank Redemption, The Notebook, The Hunger Games, Pulp Fiction and Forrest Gump.

  24. I love Las Vegas! I've been four times, and even though I've been under 21 each time, I still had so much fun, and there's actually a lot to do there for under 21s! I'm hoping to go next year for my 21st birthday so I can find out what the clubs and bars are like!

  25. And finally, I'm an extremely honest person. I don't waste my time pretending to be friends with people I don't like - I'm not fake. This doesn't mean I'm a nasty person, it just means that you always know where you stand with me. And if I don't like you, that doesn't mean I'm unwilling to talk and work things out, I'm happy to confront the situation and tackle it hands-on. I think that I can come across as really mean and rude, just because I'm not overly happy and smiley around new people. But it's a guard, and I'll get to know you slowly once I figure out that you're someone I'm likely to get along with.

I hope you enjoyed this post, it turned into quite a long one but I'll love anyone who takes the time to read it and learn a bit more about me as a person. 

See you all next time!



  1. Great post - it was really nice getting to know you more - we are similar but different at the same time! I am addicted to tea and have to have it every morning, afternoon and night (hahah) but I ADORE water. How can you not??!!!! :O
    Haha, lovely read! <3

    1. Thankyou so much for reading! I don't know what it is about water - I just really don't like the taste :( Tea all the way ;) xxx

  2. Never had a nosebleed???? You're missing out.:D And Forensic Investigation - I'm jealous!:) But my favorite by far is the last one, good on you, hun. I sometimes have a hard time confronting people, although I'm always honest if you ask me directly... Anyhow, cool post!:)

    1. Haha missing out? Really? :P Aw thank you, yeah I think it's really important to stay true to yourself and say how you really feel, and the ones that matter the most will still stand by you no matter what :)

  3. Love these posts, I only had 1 nose bleed, I was in Spain slipped on the floor out of the shower and knocked my nose on the toilet seat lol. Xx

  4. Love reading about you!
    Follow me back?
    -Jenna <3<3
